IGP Meeting

Copeland Academy will begin IGP meetings on Tuesday, January 23rd. 

Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) conferences will begin January 23, 2023, through March 23, 2023 at Copeland Academy.  The South Carolina Education and Economic Development ACT (EEDA) require us to begin the IGP process when students are in eighth grade and continue through twelfth grade. During these conferences, students and parents will meet with a counselor to define their career cluster goals.  Each conference will be 15 to 20 minutes.  We look forward to the opportunity to meet with you and your child to discuss his or her career exploration and to encourage positive choices for the future. 

Below you will find the link to sign up for a time slot.  Please sign up before February 7, 2023, if not Mrs. Scruggs will give you an assigned time.  Thank you. 
